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1️⃣ My first pregnancy journey

Writer: Shanti Sahitya BandaruShanti Sahitya Bandaru

Updated: Oct 17, 2021

I have always been thinking to write about the experiences during my first pregnancy and the lessons they taught me, but never really got enough time to do that. In fact, I wanted to write this post on the 22nd of August (the reason behind this I am going to tell in my later posts) but couldn't. Anyways now I am not gonna delay anymore.

After our first marriage anniversary in 2018, Ravi and I decided to plan our pregnancy so we went for a prenatal checkup in Hyderabad and consulted a good Doctor(What is meant by a good doctor? - I am certainly going to explain in a separate post), she prescribed some regular medicines to be taken before conceiving for a healthy pregnancy and some scans.

By then I was already having thyroid and scans concluded that I had mild features of PCOS as well. I was not ready to accept the fact that I have PCOS so it took me some time to come to terms with the news. Because since childhood I used to be under impression that irregular periods are the only symptoms of any issues related to the uterus and I always had regular periods but that's not true. A woman with PCOS may not show up any evident symptoms. At that moment my brain couldn't process the flood of thoughts that came in regarding whether I can get pregnant or not and the risks associated with PCOS.

But thanks to my doctor who had guided me on the right path and cleared facts and myths about what PCOS is, that it's just a condition and we can overcome it. So I was asked to continue the prenatal vitamins along with lifestyle changes that can manage the symptoms of PCOS.

Things were going fine and I was not expecting to become pregnant the next month itself because I just started the medication and some lifestyle changes, but God had other plans for us in-store so I missed my period. We were surprised and excited to see those beautiful pink lines when I did a home pregnancy test. We immediately announced this news to our family and they were equally happy too.

The happiness only got doubled and we were thrilled beyond measure when heard that I was carrying twins during our early pregnancy scan in the 8th week. Little did we know that that happiness is gonna last for not more than 2 months.

What happened later will be coming up in my next blog post. Stay tuned 🙂



Post: Blog2_Post
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